Tag Archives: Supreme Court

Supreme Court Hears Oral Argument on “Lien-Stripping” in Chapter 7 Cases

In 1992, the United States Supreme Court came down with a decision in Dewsnup v. Timm that has caused a stir in the Chapter 7 bankruptcy world ever since. The Court held that, under section 506(d) of the Bankruptcy Code, a Chapter 7 debtor could not “strip down” a lien to the current value of the collateral, thereby getting rid of a junior mortgage lien, when the senior debt owed exceeds the value of the collateral. In part, the Supreme Court went against lien-stripping because the Bankruptcy Act (the predecessor to the Code) provided that liens pass through bankruptcy unaffected […]

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Supreme Court Clarifies “Stern Claims” in Key Decision on Bankruptcy Court Power

Bellingham Insurance Agency (“Bellingham”) ceased operations in 2006 and subsequently transferred assets and operations to a successor, Executive Benefit Insurance Agency, Inc. (“Executive”). Bellingham filed under Chapter 7 in the Western District of Washington later in 2006 . In 2008, the Bellingham trustee, Peter Arkison (the “Trustee”), filed an adversary proceeding against Executive and other insiders of Bellingham seeking the avoidance of fraudulent transfers, a declaratory judgment that Executive is a successor in interest to Bellingham and substantive consolidation of certain defendant entities. The Bankruptcy Court subsequently granted the Trustee’s motion for summary judgment. The District Court for the District of […]

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